Tag Archives: purple

Bearded irises

Here are pics of the gorgeous bearded irises, please excuse the quality of the photos. Can you imagine a HUGE bouquet of these? high drama and gorgeousness. Too bad these flowers are so wilty and this ultra-deep violet hue particularly happens to stain! Imagine the horrors on a wedding gown… yikes. Perfect for the uncoventional bride with a black gown… (if that’s you, um, call me). You know how some cameras tend to take and show certain colors differently? Well in real life these were basically black. so in love…

(btw that’s Lucy’s behind in the background… what a ham).. I tried to take a bouquet with me to SF, but they got all wilty and dead on me. bummer.

(this photo by Kim Nakashima)

A & M, April 17th 2010

Exactly a month ago I had the pleasure of working on A&M’s wedding. The ceremony was held at the rooftop Japanese garden at the Kyoto Grand Hotel in downtown LA. The bride had a great color scheme of reds, plums and berries, as she so eloquently put it. Here are some shots from William Kim Photography:

I have to share that the couple was very cautious of being environmentally responsible and chose to go with potted plants for their ceremony rather than using all cut flowers. I was able to balance both worlds of planted and cut flowers with a very special pair of OohLaLa Bougainvillea trees which are almost Bonsai like and not the common leafy flowering shrubs with a variety of cut flowers on the bottom. The trees themselves had an amazing horizontal composition and I fell in love the moment I saw them… they fit in perfectly with the garden surroundings while maintained a special presence about them. I have been on a Bougainvillea kick for the past x months by the way… I just can’t get over their abundance of papery flowers or rich colors. They were also able to reuse the ceremony arrangements for their reception, along with the floral aisle runner & chair bunches… which is a great way to go.

Their reception held over 300 guests, so they decided to go green once again and use large potted Phalaenopsis orchids in white and purple… most of these blooms were the size of my hand! They made such an elegant statement at the restaurant. Here’s a quick snapshot N took of the reception space:

Thanks to A&M for allowing Bunch to be a part of their special day… and Thanks to William Kim Photography for sharing his work with us!

Friday edition

Hello, hello.

I am in a terribly good mood, despite the fact that my good friend PNL just told me that my photos look cheesy (me, in general, and the non existent styling, not the photography). After expressing my hatred for him and his comment, I agreed and am again on the search for a photographer that can direct and make me look fab, dahling. I clean up real nice sometimes.

So the other day(s) I had coffee ice cream for breakfast. In order for this to make sense, you must know three things: I have never in my life tried coffee ice cream before, I do not drink coffee (an occasional sip of black when there are desserts involved), and I have an extremely addictive personality. The moral of the story is that I require supervision. On a tangent, Chocolate covered macs are SO much better with Hello Kitty gracing the packaging don’t you agree? Thanks L!

The other day I had a date with my girlfriend H. Aside from stuffing ourselves with delicious goodies LA has to offer & visiting the Annenberg Space (Water exhibit is currently going on and I recommend it to anyone and everyone), we also went to the flower mart where we started her Manzanita project. While most of the wedding industry has been there and done that, there are many that still pursue the beauties of this tree and really it is no wonder it is being used everywhere… each branch takes on its own personality and there are so many things you can do. What’s even more challenging (= fun) now is to do something truly unique that has yet to be done with them (I won’t pursue it but let me know if you do!).

What innovative & beautiful designs have you seen done with manzanita branches?

I made this simple little decorative piece for her living room side table, finished off with a decorative vase, grey spanish moss & little pearly and metal balls hidden in the moss:

And I am currently working on a manzanita wall sconce for tea lights for her dining area.

Also it is N’s mother’s birthday today and here is a detail from my arrangement for her, filled with spider mums, lilacs, and tulips:

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wedding Day!

Today is Allison & Marshall’s wedding day! Congratulations to them!!

What a happy day, and what a lovely wedding it is going to be! Can’t wait to show you, but here’s a snapshot of what was going on at my studio yesterday:
